Kartono A,Mufid H M,Wahyudi S T
The previously minimal model that has been developed by Bergman is known that blood uptake can be used to the calculations of insulin sensitivity and glucose effectivity in an intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT). In this study, a minimal model Bergman has been modified by adding glucose absorption factors considering the rate of glucose concentration in the small intestine. Based on these present model results, subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have higher glucose concentrations and thus require greater insulin performance compared with subject pre-diabetes and normal subject. Besides, subjects with T2DM have lower insulin sensitivity and glucose effectivity compared with subject pre-diabetes and normal subjects. Fitting results obtained from these present model results are obtained using R2 values of glucose and insulin concentration, all values were above 0.90. This shows the validation results of the comparison of all simulation results and experimental data are good.
General Physics and Astronomy