Rochmad ,Suyitno H,Sugiharti E,Yuanbing G
Good character values need to be possessed by students at the University. Based on the Regulation of Rector, No. 19 Year 2016, UNNES has 12 Ethics, namely: science for truth, academic freedom, harmony, responsibility, honesty, justice, caring, exemplary, discipline, politeness, non-discrimination, and mutual respect. China is known to have a good character education from elementary school to university level. So, we need a collaboration work with a university in China, namely: Guangxi Normal University (GXNU). Partner Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Guo Yuanbing. The problem: What character values are integrated into the learning process of mathematics at GXNU? The method of research: Qualitative approach. The research subjects of Local Students of GXNU were selected. The main activities in GXNU: Observation, interviews, triangulation, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in GXNU, guided by Prof. Dr. Guo Yuanbing. The results (1) The character values that found and grown in GXNU were as follows: Prosperity, Democracy, Civility, Harmony, Freedom, Equality, Justice, Rule of Law, Patriotism, Dedication, Integrity, and Friendship. (2) Lecturer of Mathematics Education of GXNU was given the freedom to apply some or all of the values of character into teaching and learning activities; Character values were not explicitly added into the Lesson Plan of a Math lecturer in GXNU; Violations of the application of character values were left entirely to the lecturer concerned with the support of the institution.
General Physics and Astronomy