Measurement of electroweak boson production in different collision systems are of great interest to understanding the partonic structure of heavy nuclei, and serve as a constraint on the initial state in larger collision systems. Their production yields in Pb+Pb with respect to pp collisions provide direct tests of both binary collision scaling and possible modification of parton distribution functions (nPDF) due to nuclear effects. Further, the p+Pb collisions provide a relatively clean environment to study nPDFs in detail. The ATLAS detector has a broad acceptance with excellent performance even in the high occupancy environment of central heavy-ion collisions. In this proceedings the latest ATLAS results on W and Z boson production at the centre-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV are presented, including updated precise result production in pp collisions. Also photon yields are reported in 8.16 TeV in different collision systems are presented.
General Physics and Astronomy