Salman Imad Kh,Almothafar Nuhad S.
The aim of this study was to determine how nanoparticles tend to affect the heat transfer and velocity parameters during nanofluid flow processes. The study gained insights from the context of Non-Darcy mixed convection systems. Also, a wedge was considered for investigation, with specific features under examination involving surface stretching and shrinkage. Also, the coordinate transformation technique was used to obtain ordinary differential equations, which were also obtained after the conversion of governing partial differential equations. Similar, the fourth order Runge Kutta technique was used to solve the transformed equations, complemented by the shooting technique. Upon achieving the temperature and velocity field results, they were presented both in tabular and graphical forms. The motivation was to provide room for studying the movement of water, gas, and oil through the gas field or oil reservoir, as well as water purification and groundwater migration. From the results, it was established that an increase in the rate of nanoparticles concentration heat transfer causes a decrease in the friction factor. On the other hand, an increase in nanoparticles concentration caused an increase in Nusselt number or the rate of heat transfer. Additional findings demonstrate that an increase in the suction parameter causes an increase in the rate of heat transfer, as well as the friction factor. Lastly, this study established that as the wedge angle increases, the Nusselt number or rate of heat transfer increases, with a similar trend observed regarding the correlation between the wedge angle and the friction factor.
General Physics and Astronomy