Calculating water storage capacity can estimate how much rainwater infiltrates the ground. The soil infiltration and permeability test can estimate water storage capacity. This study is to evaluate how much water infiltrates into the soil. Research in Rawadanau, Serang Regency, has been conducted on relatively undisturbed land and mixed agriculture at the soil quaternary volcanic. The infiltration capacity (f) was measured using the double-ring infiltrometer, and the permeability (k) was measured in the laboratory using a permeameter. The test results of both methods and calculations using Horton’s equations showed that f varied from 6.6−4 to 1.89−2 cm/sec. In contrast, the k was between 3.74−7 to 6.05−3 cm/sec. The highest value of the f was found in land with sandy lithology on mixed forests, the highest of k at forests, and mixed agriculture volcanic soil.
General Physics and Astronomy