Haryanto B,Saragih S E,Tambun R,Harahap H,Manik K,Lumbangaol A K
Carbon charcoal was made from rambutan rods and used as an adsorbent. A gram 70/100 mesh size of adsorbent was then used to adsorb 100 ml of copper ion solution with a 70 ppm concentration. In this investigation, the batch procedure was used without shaking (naturally). The charcoal carbon rambutan ability to remove the copper ion was measured by AAS. The percentage result was 48,135% or about 33,694 ppm. SEM and EDX instrument analysis have applied to confirm the presence of copper ions on the adsorbent surface. The copper ion was found at a concentration of 0.09 percent of the total weight. The carbon charcoal adsorbent in rambutan rods has the ability to purify the water contaminated by metal ions.
General Physics and Astronomy