Liu X,Li X,Jiang S,Liu S,Xiao Y,Lv Y,Cao X,Lu Z,Liu R,Zhang H,Xie Z,Huang W,Yang R,Yang T,Deng C,Ning C,Yu Y,Wei J,Wang P,Wang Y,Zhao G,Wang L,Xue K,Wu Q
In order to promote the studies of low emittance RF photo cathode and high gradient accelerating structures, a C-band test platform has been initialized since late 2021. In this paper, an overview of the present status and future plans of this platform is given. A 3.6-cell C-band RF photo cathode has been manufactured and now is under test. In addition, studies such as the design for a C-band RF traveling-wave accelerating structure and the design of a C-band high gradient parallel-coupled accelerating structure utilizing short pulse are introduced.