Abidin Z,Budayasa I K,Khabibah S
One important part of the teaching and learning process is reflection. The deeper a teacher’s reflection, the better it is for the improvement of subsequent learning. This study aims to determine the depth of reflective thinking of pre-service mathematics teachers on their teaching practices. This type of research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The learning was conducted online for two months by ten students of pre-service mathematics teacher at five different schools. There are four types of reflection depth used, namely general type, description type, argumentation type, and contribution type. The method used was observation and in-depth interviews which were also conducted online. The instruments used were observation sheets, interview sheets, questionnaire sheets and portfolios. The results showed that the depth of reflective thinking of pre-service mathematics teacher increases from argumentation type to contribution type. This has a positive impact on improving the quality of learning.
General Physics and Astronomy