Nasir Muhammad,Fakhruddin Z,Prastowo Rizo Budi
It was found that the value of self efficacy in physics learning in high school (SMA) is still low in one school. Self-efficacy was found at the level of 48%. And this is supported by OECD data (3) which also states that the performance of Indonesian science more than 55% of students score below level 2 out of 5 levels. The development of self-efficacy media in learning physics astronomy is an effort made to improve students’ self-efficacy. Media self-efficacy is designed using mobile augmented reality which is considered capable of giving students a better learning experience so as to be able to improve student learning abilities so that students’ self-efficacy also increases. To be able to improve self-efficacy better this media must be supported by teacher assistance as a motivator to students so that the effects given are even better.
General Physics and Astronomy
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2 articles.