Quantum Mechanics and classical optics feature similar phenomena such as superposition, interference and even entanglement. Hence, techniques from optics can be used in quantum mechanics and vice versa. In this article I address the question: What can we learn from formulating optics in the language of quantum mechanics? It is argued that the solutions of the wave equations for the electromagnetic field form a tensor product of Hilbert spaces corresponding to the degrees of freedom of classical light. Therefore, it comprises non-separable solutions reminiscent of entanglement. Moreover, the two spatial degrees of freedom each carry non-commuting position and momentum variables forming a Heisenberg algebra like quantum particles moving in a two dimensional space. An analogy between the dynamics of a quantum harmonic oscillator and paraxial light propagating through a converging lens is drawn. This article presents a modern formulation of optics in the language of state vectors and operators (based on Dirac’s notation) along the lines of an earlier contribution [1], specifying and explaining its results.
Computer Science Applications,History,Education