Aksentev A E,Senichev Y V
A new method for searching for the electric dipole moment (EDM) of the deuteron and other nuclei is presented. When trying to measure the EDM in a storage ring environment, magnetic dipole moment (MDM) spin precession due to machine imperfections becomes the primary source of systematic error. The proposed method aims at providing a solution to the machine imperfection problemas well as circumventing the geometric phase error. The method is based on estimating the combined MDM + EDM spin precession frequency, in which the MDM contribution is due only to field imperfections. The MDM term is canceled in the final statistic by adding frequency estimates from cycles with counter-circulating beams. Spin precession rate depends on the particle’s effective Lorentz factor; the proposed method’s core feature is a procedure for equalizing the effective Lorentz factors of the clockwise and counter-clockwise circulating beams, thus enabling the cancelation.
General Physics and Astronomy