Taryana Acep,Fadli Ari,Aliim Muhammad Syaiful,Nursiami Siti Rahmah,Widhi Nugraha Azis Wisnu,Zulfa Mulki Indana
Currently, the higher education curriculum has developed two systems, namely the block-based curriculum in the field of medicine and the semester credit-based curriculum. The block-based curriculum is currently applied in medical schools while the semester credit-based curriculum is applied in non-medical faculties. The presence of these two curriculum systems raises problems in the management of academic information systems. One of the problems that occur is that the existing information system has not been able to manage the block curriculum and semester credit simultaneously in one system. So that this causes the academic information system unable to manage the implementation of assessments on the block-based curriculum. This paper proposes a new model in the design of academic information systems that are able to integrate the needs of block-based curriculum and credit. The method used to solve this problem is an object-oriented approach using class diagrams as a model to describe the structure of academic information systems. The results of the development of the new model show that the structure of the block-based curriculum is a general form (generalization) of semester-based credit. Therefore the implementation of the two curriculums can use a similar model class structure to be more efficient and easier to maintain information system software in the future.
General Physics and Astronomy