Vöhringer A L,Gottschall J,Hirth B D,Hung L-Y,Lundquist J K,Schneemann J,Schroeder J L,Theuer F,Kühn M
Dual-Doppler radar is a relatively new technology in the wind energy community and thus not yet studied vastly. This paper aims to compare horizontal wind speed and direction data retrieved from dual-Doppler radar and profiling lidars within the American WAKE experimeNt (AWAKEN) to investigate the influence of measurement height, wind direction and speed on the comparison. The 10-min averaged data show a better agreement of the measurements for higher altitudes, especially at faster wind speeds. For the wind direction, two sectors of larger differences in the measurements were detected: around 270° transient winds occur with a higher frequency than in other sectors. To explain the different measurement values in the wind direction sector around 90°, further studies, e.g. on the influence of atmospheric stability, are necessary.