Kussainov Arman S,Em Maxim,Myrzabek Yernar,Mukhatay Maksat
We have implemented the basic steps for the FDK backprojecting algorithm in computed tomography. Application works from the set of preloaded projections and uses OpenCV libraries for FFT, convolution, frequency space image filtering, image’s brightness, contrast and quality manipulation. Compared to the desktop implementation, the calculation-intensive part of the application was moved to the asynchronous background task hosted by an android fragment. This allows the task to survive the application’s configuration changes and to run in the background even if the main activity was destroyed. The minimalistic interface with the access to all main backprojecting parameters was implemented. The result of backprojection is saved as an image in the download folder of the phone. The user also has the control over the reconstructed slice location along the Z axis.
General Physics and Astronomy