Mohamad A,Mhamdi H,Amin NAM,Izham M,Aziz NA,Chionh SY
Solar tracking systems which can track the Sun movement can increase the power generation rate by maximizing the surface area of the solar panels that are exposed to the sunlight. By utilizing a solar tracker, the number of solar panels needed to generate the same amount of electrical energy will be significantly lower. In general, solar tracking systems are classified as single-axis solar tracking systems and dual-axis solar tracking systems. Several researchers had conducted both simulation and experimental work to compare and evaluate the performance of solar tracking systems against static solar panels systems, as well as between different solar tracking system mechanisms. General agreements among the researchers are that the performance of solar tracking systems is always exceeding that of static solar panels. Some researchers also conducted studies on how the weather conditions affect the performance of solar panels, and they concluded that the systems with tracking mechanisms are more resilient toward a variation of weather conditions.
General Physics and Astronomy
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6 articles.