The article deals with the technology of constructing a 3-D velocity field mathematical model for flow around manipulators of anthropomorphic robots, such as the SAR-400 robot, when subjected to wave and constant currents. The studies show that when building control systems for manipulators operating underwater, it is necessary to take into account the arising forces acting on the manipulators as external disturbances that impede the precise fulfillment of control tasks. Methods for calculating 3-D velocity fields under the influence of wave and constant currents on the structural elements of manipulators of an underwater anthropomorphic robot as cylinders of large and small elongations are considered. A numerical simulation of the evolution of the flow velocity and pressure fields in a flow past a cylinder has been performed. The proposed approaches will allow the simulation of external disturbances acting on the manipulators of the robot working under water when constructing their control laws.
General Physics and Astronomy