A 6-GeV lattice with the horizontal tune near a 3rd-order resonance line at 3νx
=2 is designed for studying the transverse resonance island buckets (TRIBs) at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR). The distribution of 76 sextupoles powered individually is optimized to maximize the dynamic aperture and achieve the desired amplitude-dependent tune shift αxx
and the resonant driving term h
30000, which are necessary conditions to form stable island buckets. The particle tracking simulations are developed to check and confirm the formation of TRIBs at different tunes with clearing kicks in this TRIBs lattice. Finally, the lattice is loaded in CESR and the TRIBs are successfully observed when the horizontal fractional tune is adjusted to 0.665, close to the 3rd-order resonance line. Bunch-by-bunch feedback is also explored to clear the particles in the main bucket and the island buckets, respectively.
Computer Science Applications,History,Education