Mathematical Methods for Physics learning should master study material holistically and collaboratively for meaningfully learning. The aim of this research is to describe the process for Mathematical Methods for Physics course at pre-service physics teacher. Data were collected using a questionnaire, interviews with lectures and student, and observation. The result of this research are students gave respons positive towards learning material (78,10%), learning media (78,73%), opportunities for expressing (80,44%), literature (82,66%), readiness to face challenge in the next years (80,82%), contextual problem in the learning (49,67%), develop skills (56,57%), and the rest rejected this statement. This result revealed that no contextual on teaching and learning process, the learning process of mathematical methods for physics is not applicable and very mathematical dominant, teaching material is not interest, and lectures are not conducted to equip students with 21st-century skills. This is causes students have not understood the concept and have difficulty learning of Mathematical Methods for Physics.
General Physics and Astronomy