Del Grande R,Bazzi M,Bragadireanu A M,Bosnar D,Cargnelli M,Clozza A,Curceanu C,De Paolis L,Fabbietti L,Ghio F,Guaraldo C,Iliescu M,Iwasaki M,Levi Sandri P,Marton J,Miliucci M,Moskal P,Okada S,Piscicchia K,Ramos A,Scordo A,Silarski M,Sirghi D L,Sirghi F,Skurzok M,Spallone A,Vazquez Doce O,Widmann E,Wycech S,Zmeskal J
The AMADEUS collaboration aims to provide precise experimental information on the K− strong interaction with nucleons in the low-energy regime. The step 0 of AMADEUS consists in the re-analysis of the data collected with the KLOE detector at the DAΦNE collider during the 2004/2005 data taking campaign. The absorptions of low-momentum K−s in the nuclei contained in the detector and the beam pipe setup (H, 4He, 9Be and 12C) are investigated. Information on the K− single and multi-nucleon interactions are extracted from the study of the Λπ
− and p correlated production in the final state.
General Physics and Astronomy