Cold Readout Electronics for Liquid Argon TPCs in the DUNE experiment


Gao S


The liquid Argon TPC (LArTPC) technology is used in DUNE, the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, to achieve its goals as the leading-edge international experiment for neutrino science and proton decay studies. The first 10 k-ton DUNE far detector module will employ wired-based anode planes with cold readout electronics (CE) installed inside the cryostat. The CE developed for cryogenic temperatures (77-89K) operation is an optimal solution that achieves excellent noise performance and decouples the electrode and cryostat design from the readout design. This paper reviews the experience of ProtoDUNE single-phase detector located at the CERN Neutrino Platform and provides an overview of the progress of the CE development, including recent results from system integration tests involving the characterization of new versions of the cryogenic ASICs and front-end motherboards mounted on small scale anode planes immersed in cryogenic liquids.


IOP Publishing


General Physics and Astronomy

Reference17 articles.

1. Introduction to DUNE;Abi;Journal of Instrumentation,2020

2. The DUNE far detector single-phase technology;Abi;Journal of Instrumentation,2020

3. The Time Projection Chamber: A New 4 pi Detector for Charged Particles;Nygren,1974

4. The Single-Phase ProtoDUNE Technical Design Report;Abi,2017

5. Review of Liquid Argon Detector Technologies in the Neutrino Sector;Majumdar;arXiv preprint,2021







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