CMS Phase-2 Inner Tracker Upgrade


Malik Sudhir


The HL-LHC conditions of instantaneous peak luminosity up to 7.5x1034 cm-2s-1 and an integrated luminosity of the order of 300 fb-1/year is expected to result in 1 MeV neutron equivalent fluence of 2.3 x 1016 neq/cm2 and a total ionizing dose (TID) of 12 MGy (1.2 Grad) at the center of the CMS Experiment, where its innermost component, the Phase-2 Pixel Detector will be installed. This detector has to survive the above radiation dose, handle hit rates of 3.2 GHz/cm2 in the layers closest to the beam line, be able to track and separate particles in extremely dense collisions, deal with a pileup of 140-200 collisions per bunch crossing and have a high impact parameter resolution. This translates into a highly granular detector design with thinner sensors and smaller pixels, and a faster and more radiation hard electronics compared to the Phase-1 detector. This contribution reviews the Phase-2 upgrade of the (silicon-based) CMS Inner Tracker focusing on the features of the detector layout and on developments of pixelated devices.


IOP Publishing


General Physics and Astronomy

Reference18 articles.

1. The CMS Experiment at the CERN LHC;J. Instrum







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