Glöggler L. T.,Caravita R.,Bergmann B.,Bonomi G.,Brusa R. S.,Burian P.,Camper A.,Castelli F.,Cheinet P.,Comparat D.,Consolati G.,Doser M.,Gjersdal H.,Graczykowski Ł.,Guatieri F.,Haider S.,Huck S.,Janik M.,Kasprowicz G.,Khatri G.,Kornakov G.,Malbrunot C.,Mariazzi S.,Nebbia G.,Nowak L.,Nowicka D.,Oswald E.,Pagano D.,Penasa L.,Pospisil S.,Povolo L.,Prelz F.,Rienäcker B.,Røhne O. M.,Sandaker H.,Stekl I.,Tefelski D.,Tietje I. C.,Volponi M.,Wolz T.,Zimmer C.,Zurlo N.
The primary goal of the AEgIS collaboration at CERN is to measure the gravitational acceleration on neutral antimatter. Positronium (Ps), the bound state of an electron and a positron, is a suitable candidate for a force-sensitive inertial measurement by means of deflectometry/interferometry. In order to conduct such an experiment, the impact position and time of arrival of Ps atoms at the detector must be detected simultaneously. The detection of a low-velocity Ps beam with a spatial resolution of (88 ± 5) μm was previously demonstrated [1]. Based on the methodology employed in [1] and [2], a hybrid imaging/timing detector with increased spatial resolution of about 10 μm was developed. The performance of a prototype was tested with a positron beam. The concept of the detector and first results are presented.
General Physics and Astronomy