Development of Reading Materials for Multicultural Education With the Topic of Kasada Tradition in Tengger Community (Study of Ethnography at the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park, Jawa Timur)


Hadi N


Abstract A very prominent feature of the Tengger community in carrying out their social activities and customs is the attitude of togetherness which is based on harmony and peace. In carrying out their various sacred ceremonies, the spirit of togetherness is crucial to them. Especially in the Kasada ceremony, they enunciate sincerity, joy, mutual cooperation, sacrifice, and other significant attitudes and behaviors indicating their level of dignity as social beings. The ceremony was held by involving all members of the community, men and women, from the elders to the children. It is believed that the Kasada ceremony is an ancestral heritage, in which there are many important values, and is abundant with noble aspects of everyday social life, especially intertwined with their original religion. The approach used in this study is the qualitative-ethnographic model of Spradley The results show: (1)The Kasada ceremonial tradition is a form of ecological adaptation. Over the years, this community has held the ritual, with the intention of fulfilling many interests, particularly maintaining their existence as mountain farmers. (2)This ceremony is a form of local wisdom in answering limited natural challenges, by cultivating the ability and intelligence in preserving nature and integrated social life. (3) Values in the Kasada ceremony tradition include: willing to sacrifice, help each other, implement mutual cooperation, persevere, respect the work of others, balance the past and the future, love for the preservation of nature, and implement social responsibility; (4) Decided sanctions for Kasada ceremony offenders: there are no legal sanctions, but an anomaly is attached to those who avoid the ritual, that actually strengthens their social integration. This happened to some Tengger people who had embraced State religions.


IOP Publishing


General Physics and Astronomy

Reference19 articles.

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