Chusni M M,Hasanah A,Ghazali A M,Zakwandi R,Nurzaman R F R,Nurfauzan M F,Dirgantara Y,Agustina R D,Malik A,Samsudin A
The aim of this research is to compare the laboratory management capability of the students in the physics education department at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung and UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. The research method is used comparison method between two groups subject. The comparison is doing to describe the readiness of physics education department to prepare their students become a professional pre-service physics teacher. Subjects in the research are students of physics education department at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati and UIN Sunan Kalijaga that choice used purposive sampling method. The data of management laboratory capability were collected by spreading the instruments in the form of a multiple choice test and analyze used t-test method. Result of the study show that sig 0,488 > 0,05 that indicated the subjects have not differences. The analyze of the levels of difficulty is shown that each of the subjects group does not have a significant difference in value. Generally, the researchers conclude that not have significant differences among the student capability. Other than, this study also indicates that the lecture of management laboratory must be improved to increase the levels of graduation capabilities.
General Physics and Astronomy