B Amiruddin,Budi A S,Sumantri M S
The STEM Project is a learning model that can be used by lecturers in the learning process so that students can get used to analyzing and synthesizing, to come up with an idea that can develop the competence and science literacy abilities of elementary school teacher candidates in the framework of learning in the 21st century. The study aims to improve the ability of the science literacy of Pre-service elementary school teachers by using the STEM Project Learning Model. This study was conducted on Pre-service elementary school teachers as elementary school teacher education students at the University of Halu Oleo Kendari. The results obtained indicate that the science literacy ability of Pre-service elementary school teachers has increased significantly. The increase is based on the results of statistical analysis which shows a significant increase in the ability of the science literacy of Pre-service elementary school teachers, after participating in learning using the STEM Project model. For this reason, the use of the STEM Project model in learning science enables prospective teachers to become accustomed to conducting comprehensive analyzes of problems and their solutions.
General Physics and Astronomy
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