Yash Sharma,Neeraj Kumar Pandey
The major challenges, which come across face recognition system, are to find the age and gender in 2D/3D image of the person specifically in cloud environment. This paperis centered on face detection with MAC (Media Access Control) and biometric technology. Face scanning along with machine’s MAC address and biometric technologies has been shown to improve security controls. Face recognition can be used to search and label users and their assigned machines for sensitive purposes. Following that, it was stored in a specific database with their unique ID. In addition, the verification process has begun by comparing the models in the database. Face scanning along with speech and biometric technologies is used to improve security controls. Face recognition system may also be set up in high security machines to improve protection by allowing only registered individuals or others users. Related strategies for determining the age and gender and 2D/3D image from a specific picture are explored, as well as several modern methods for preserving protection. In this paper, the full model is explored independently with security implemented in cloud environment. The proposed model of the paper provides the integrated security features using MAC address of machine and face recognition of the machine user.
General Physics and Astronomy