Liu X. Y.,Yao H. J.,Yuan Y. S.,Li Y.,Wang Z. J.,Xiong Y.,Zheng S. X.,Wang X. W.
Xi’an 200MeV proton application Facility (XiPAF) is upgrading its proton synchrotron to a multi-ion synchrotron, which replaces H- stripping injection with multiturn injection scheme. New synchrotron’s vertical tune has been changed from 1.70 to 2.26, beam dynamics of new lattice is much different from the original proton lattice. Simulations has been performed with PyORBIT for beam loss study, with or without space charge effect. The main beam loss is caused by 3-order incoherent resonance νx
+ 2νy
= 6, which is a structure resonance. Space charge and longitudinal synchrotron motion speed up the beam loss process.