Handayani Dewi,Dinasty Purnomoasri RA,Syafi’i ,Mahmudah AMH
This study aims to obtain the characteristics of a decrease in motorbike speed before speed bump and a model of the relationship between a decrease in motorbike speed, dimensions of the speed bump and the width of the shoulders on local roads in residential areas. Data collection technique with artificial lines from vehicle recording before passing speed bumps using a Yi-4k action camera. Motorcycle speed data is used to analyse the decrease in speed to be made a mathematical model of the relationship of motorcycle speed, dimensions of speed bumps, and road shoulder width. It can be concluded that the speed bump can reduce the speed up to 72.18% from the average normal speed of the road under study, with decelerate moving from 0.38 m/s2 to 0.30 m/s2 at a distance of 16 meters before the speed bumps arrive at over speed bump. The model chosen for the relationship of decreasing speed, dimensions of speed bump and shoulder width at a distance of 8 meters before speed bump (Y1) is Y1 = 13.615–0.090X
2 + 0.038X
3, while at a distance of 16 meters before speed bump (Y2), chosen equation Y2 = 15.403–0.639X
1 + 0.042X
3, R2 = 0.976, with X
1 (High Speed bumps), X
2 (Speed bumps width), X
3 (Width of the shoulder), Y
1 (Varea 8 m), Y
2 (Yard) Varea 16 m).
General Physics and Astronomy