Juniar A,Fardilah R D,Tambunan P M
The chemical knowledge of students was low because learning activities tend to be teacher oriented. For this reason, we need to develop knowledge acquisition process skill. Therefore we suggest scientific attitude which included in the “Science Process Skill”. The purpose of this research was to determine the type of learning model which was able maximize the students’ scientific processes skills. The results of the application can be observed in student learning activities during observation. A quasi-experimental control group with pre and post-test design was performed in this study. The sample were students in XII MIA-1 in SMAN 5 Binjai which applied Guided Inquiry learning model meanwhile XII MIA-2 applied conventional learning. The results showed that the Science Process Skills in both experiment classes obtained an average score of 93.78 and 75.32 respectively so that they were categorized as “Very Good” and “Good” on 6 (six) aspects: observing, grouping, applying concepts, interpreting, conducting experiments, formulating hypotheses. While learning activities obtained an average score of 90.27 and 79.29 respectively, so that they were categorized as “Very Good” and “Good” on the five indicators: Readiness to learn, skills for using tools, actively providing opinion, working in group and making conclusion.
General Physics and Astronomy