The analysis of characterization of zeolite modified from fly ash using iron oxide and manganese oxide


Saputro S,Mahardiani L,Masykuri M,Yamtinah S,Solikah A A,Yuanitama A L,Romantika H R,Azizah I N,Amri A.


Abstract Fly ash is the residue from burning coal in the form of fine and light particles and can be harmful to the environment and life. Whereas fly ash contains high silica so that it can be used as a precursor for zeolite blinding. Zeolite as an adsorbent for aquatic waste needs to be improved so that it can absorb more adsorbate. Therefore, it is necessary to modify the zeolite from fly ash, such as coating with manganese and iron oxide. The zeolite is made from fly ash extraction and synthesize using hydrothermal method. In this study, it was found that fly ash contains about 45.20% silica and the synthetic zeolite was successfully coated with manganese and iron oxide evidenced by the results of FTIR and XRD. This is indicated by the presence of manganese oxide at an absorption of 453.29 cm−1 using FTIR and manganese oxide on XRD aimed at 2θ = 37.356°; 47.337°; 51,879°; 57.966°; 61.822° and 67.5552°. Meanwhile, the FTIR results of iron oxide were indicated by the presence of an absorption band at 447.50 cm−1 and XRD diffraction peaks at 2θ = 30,643° and 2θ = 60,322°.


IOP Publishing


Computer Science Applications,History,Education

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