Kuzenov V V,Dobrynina A O,Shumaev V V,Starostin A V
In this paper, a new version of the method for numerically solving the equations of radiation magneto-plasma dynamics is presented. The developed numerical technique was verified by solving a number of test (model) problems. The one-dimensional calculations of the plasma-dynamic parameters of a cylindrical target for the combined scheme of the effects of magnetic inertial fusion take into account a wide range of physical effects. A method is proposed for the transition from a tetrahedral to a hexagonal irregular computational grid. A variant of the elliptic “regularizer” of the grid is developed, which is based on the “mechanical analogy” and is based on the solution of linear equations of the theory of elasticity. The paper presents the initial results of the reconstruction and “regularization” of the computational grid, as well as the distribution of the “angular” criterion for assessing its quality.
General Physics and Astronomy