Jing Gao,Zhongxiao Du,Shuxiang Yang,Yingqi Xu,Sibo Xu
This article focuses on the intelligent heating platform driven by digital twins, analyzing the overall framework of the system according to the sensor layer, application layer, and network layer, and building an information service platform for intelligent heating networks. The data of the entire heating system, including heat sources, primary networks, heating stations, secondary networks, and heat users, is remotely collected, analyzed, and diagnosed. Subsequently, statistical analysis is conducted on the energy consumption of each heat source and heating station, achieving data sharing and data mining among various business systems. This article conducts research on several key technologies for optimizing decision-making methods of heating system operation scheduling based on simulation models and develops software systems to support the intelligent upgrading of heating systems. The results show that intelligent heating system based on digital twins can better meet the balance between supply and demand in urban heating systems, and optimize the overall operating costs and environmental benefits of the system under multiple constraints.