Gultom Syamsul,Endriani Dewi,Harahap Agustin Sastrawan
Fatigue is the problem for all workers in the world. Fatigue can influence the work performance of the workers. A relaxation model to decrease the fatigue level had been developed before by the researcher, it is named TOM’S MODEL. By, the increasing of the technology, so this study tried to improve TOM’S MODEL into android-based application. The participants of the study were the workers in one university in Indonesia. There were fourty workers recruited for this study. The participants were involved in a series of treatment. Altogether there are five treatments included pre-test and post-test. The physical fatigue and mental fatigue measured by using Whole Body Reation Tester (WBRT) and Bourdon Wiersman. The results show that there is significant reducing of fatigue both physical and mental, after the participants applied the relaxation from the android application. The interview results show that the android-based application is easier to use since it is integrated in their cellular phone. They can use it at any time and place during their work without any problems. The movement in relaxation is also simple to follow. This application can be applied for all workers in any field.
General Physics and Astronomy