Instrument analysis for motivation and interest in mathematics learning using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)


Rinaldi Achi,Indriani Betha Ria,Yulina Rikka,Indra Saputra M.,Komarudin ,Yetri Y


Abstract Many studies in mathematics education discusses the relationship of latent variables that are measured directly. If latent variables measure directly, it will cause a bias in estimation. It is necessary to measure instruments that explain the relationship between latent variables and indicator variables, which should not be measured directly. This study aimed to analyze indicators of interest and motivation to learn mathematics, while the method we used is the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Indicators of the interest in learning mathematics are 1) Feeling of Happiness, 2) Student Curiosity, 3) Student Attention, 4) Student Involvement, while the indicators for motivation are 1) Perseverance in Learning, 2) Facing Difficulties Ability, 3) Sharpness in Attention 4) Achievement in Learning, 5) Independent in Learning. Four indicators of interest in mathematics show that only two indicators are qualified based on the Kaiser Mayer Oikin (KMO) score of 0.611 for the indicator of student curiosity and 0.507 for student involvement indicators. While the three indicators of motivation, which qualified based on the KMO score of 0.685 for perseverance in learning, 0.628 for facing difficulties ability, and 0.616 for the sharpness of Attention.


IOP Publishing


General Physics and Astronomy

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