Shadrin A Yu,Dvoeglazov K N,Mochalov Yu S,Vidanov V V,Kashcheev V A,Terentiev A G,Gerasimenko M N,Cheshuyakov S A
Russian Federation is developing the key technologies for closed nuclear fuel cycle with FR used mixed uranium-plutonium nitride or oxide (MOX) fuel within the framework of the project “Proryv”. This is a new integrated comprehensive product for nuclear power, which provides in the future
- no accumulation of spent nuclear fuel;
- radioactive waste management based on the principles of radiation-equivalent disposal;
- technological support for the non-proliferation treaty;
- competitiveness with other large-scale power technologies.
The experimental and demonstration energy complex is under construction now on the site of Siberian Chemical Combine for the industrial development of the closed nuclear fuel cycle. ODEC will include a fast reactor BREST-OD-300 with lead coolant, facility for fabricating/refabrication of nitride fuel and the spent nuclear fuel processing facility.
Up today, the key technology elements were demonstrated using macro quantities U, Pu, Np, irradiated mixed nitride fuel and real high-level waste. Within the framework of the project “Proryv” a prototype of the fuel cycle of fast reactors is developing.
General Physics and Astronomy
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8 articles.