Afrizal A,Rahman A,Handoko E,Astuti E P,Jati L,Ismail M
Composites of cholesteryl acrylate with Indiun Tin Oxide (ITO) nanoparticle was made by UV curing technique at various the concentration of ITO nanoparticles. In this research using variation concentration of ITO nanoparticles. Polymer Cho-ITO nanoparticles have succeeded in becoming a composite. Pattern of X Ray Diffraction of Cholesteryl acrylate-Indium Tin Oxide nanoparticle (Cho-ITO) at ITO 10% w/w showed peak for Cholesteryl acrylate in 2θ at 2,6782°; 5,2275°; dan 15,8050° with value of dspacing (001) was 32,96 Å. For ITO in 2θ at 30,6244°; 35,5105°; 45,6814°; 51,0400°; dan 60,6473°. therefore pattern of XRD of Cho-ITO at ITO 20% w/w showed peak for cholesteryl acrylate in 2θ at 2,6372°; 5,2022°; dan 15,7867° that value of d spacing lattice (001) is 40,09 Å. For ITO in 2θ at 30,5685°; 35,4428°; 41,8550°; 50,9846°; 60,6252°. increasing value of d spacing for (001), that d spacing for cholesteryl acrylate 32,60 Å when added was by ITO 10% w/w dspacing increase untuil 32,96 Å. When added ITO 20% w/w value of d spacing until 40,09 Å.
General Physics and Astronomy