The production of building materials uses large amounts of primary natural resources. Mineral and organic components of the natural environment are used as raw materials, which leads to degradation and disruption of the habitat of living organisms. One of the possible methods to reduce the consumption of natural resources is the use of industrial and consumer wastes as raw materials, which include polymer waste. The high resource potential of polymer waste as a fuel is shown. Waste can replace coal coke, which is used in ferrous metallurgy technologies. The analysis of several technologies for the use of polymer waste as an inert filler and as a bituminous binder in the production of asphalt concrete and building mixtures has been carried out. The classification of various groups of polymer waste by melting temperature and chemical composition is presented. The analysis of technological processes for the use of polymer waste made it possible to conclude that considerable attention is paid to the extraction of economic benefits without environmental assessment of the safety of the technologies used. An environmental assessment of polymer waste disposal technologies has been proposed, which will allow at the stage of technology development to assess the environmental risks arising from the production and operation of the resulting product. It is proposed to select the temperature range in the technological processes for obtaining secondary products as indicators of the formation of environmental risks when using polymer waste.
General Physics and Astronomy