Relics of the quantum spacetime: from Synge’s world function as the fundamental probe of spacetime architecture to the emergent description of gravity


Kothawala Dawood


Abstract All our observations that characterise space and time are expressed in terms of non-local, bi-tensorial objects such as geodesic intervals between events and two-point (Green) functions. In this contribution, I highlight the importance of characterising spacetime geome-try in terms of such non-local objects, focusing particularly on two important bi-tensors that play a particular fundamental role – Synge’s World function and the van Vleck determinant. I will first discuss how these bi-tensors help capture information about spacetime geometry, and then describe their role in characterising quantum spacetime endowed with a lower bound, say 0, on spacetime intervals. Incorporating such a length scale in a Lorentz covariant manner necessitates a description of spacetime geometry in terms of above bi-tensors, and naturally replaces the conventional description based on the metric tensor gab (x) with a description in terms of a non-local bi-tensor qab (x, y). The non-analytic structure of qab (x, y) which renders a perturbative expansion in 0 meaningless, also generically leaves a non-trivial “relic” in the limit 0 → 0. I present some results where such a relic term is manifest; specifically, I will discuss how this: (i) suggests a description of gravitational dynamics different from the one based on Einstein-Hilbert lagrangian, (ii) implies dimensional reduction to 2 at small scales, (iii) connects with the notion of cosmological constant itself being a non-local vestige of the small scale structure of spacetime, (iv) helps address the issues of spacetime singularities. I will conclude by discussing the ramifications of these ideas for quantum gravity.


IOP Publishing


Computer Science Applications,History,Education







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