Fajrin M.,Malasan H. L.,Akbar E. I.
A planetary nebula is formed when a low to intermediate mass star approaches the end of its life. Before the ejected materials finally interact with and dissipate into the interstellar matters, the nebula will be visible surrounding its former stellar core. The variety of planetary nebulae visual appearances indicates that the material ejected and leave the central star behind in unique ways. Morpho-kinematics study aims to find out the 3-d shape using the help of imaging and spectroscopic observations. Imaging allows on to observe the projection of planetary nebulae onto the plane perpendicular to the line of sight to the observer, while spectroscopy gives the ability to infer the expansion characteristics from the spectrum produced by shells within planetary nebulae. We report the 3-d shape modeling of Sh 2-71 (PNG 035.9-01.1, α(J2000.0) = 19h01m59.96s, δ(J2000.0) = 02°09’16.1”) using images obtained from Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph (GMOS), Hong Kong/Australian Astronomical Observatory/Strasbourg Observatory Ha Planetary Nebula (HASH PN Database), and DSS image combined with high-resolution long-slit spectra from San Pedro Martir Kinematic Catalogue of Planetary Nebulae. The 3-d modeling is carried out with software that specializes in modeling three dimensional astrophysical object SHAPE. The acquired data from observations show that Sh 2-71 possesses a torus with three bipolar lobes while modeling by SHAPE tells that the torus is inclined by 37° and the bipolar lobes are on the same plane.
General Physics and Astronomy