Observations utilizing the ultraviolet capabilities of the Cosmic Origin Spectrograph (COS) onboard the Hubble Space Telescope are of unique value to the astronomy community. Spectroscopy down to 900 Å with COS has enabled new science areas. However, contrary to the situation at longer wavelengths, these observations are limited by detector background noise. The background correction currently applied by the standard calibration pipeline (CalCOS) is not optimized for faint targets, limiting the scientific value of low signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) observations. In this work we investigate a possible dependence of the variations of the dark rate in both segments of the COS far-ultraviolet detector on time, detector high voltage (HV), and solar activity. Through our analysis we identified a number of detector states (on a configuration basis, e.g., HV and segment) characterizing the spatial distribution of dark counts, and created superdarks to be used in an optimized two-dimensional (2D) background correction. We have developed and tested Another COS Dark Correction (ACDC), a dedicated pipeline to perform a 2D background correction based on statistical methods, producing background-corrected and flux-calibrated spectra. While our testing of ACDC showed an average improvement in S/N values of ∼10%, in a few cases the improvements in S/N reached 60% across the whole wavelength range of individual segments.