Pick-off beams in Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detectors are often used to derive information on the field circulating in the interferometer. In order to retrieve the wavefront of the field at some chosen location, an optical system has to be deployed so to image the desired field characteristics to an optical bench and ultimately to suitable sensors. In this paper, we detail the requirements in terms of Gouy Phase and ABCD matrix for such an optical system to provide the correct information. We show also that by designing the optical system with adequate Gouy Phase evolution, the same kind of transformation holds true not only for the fundamental Gaussian mode, but also for both even and odd Higher Order Modes (HOMs) of the main interferometer beam. This is important because these HOMs are excited by the aberrations of the optical elements in the interferometer, and carry the information one is interested to. Simulations with two tools (Finesse and Zemax OpticsStudio®) are provided to confirm the analytical results obtained using Gaussian modes expansion of a generic field.