Excited states in the 84Sr nucleus were investigated via the 76Ge(12C,4n)84Sr reaction at a beam energy of 58 MeV. The de-excited γ-rays were detected using the Indian National Gamma Array (INGA) spectrometer at Inter-University Accelerator Center, New Delhi. Directional Correlation from Oriented (DCO) states ratio and the polarization asymmetry (Δ) measurements were done to confirm the spin-parity of the low-lying states. Eight new γ-ray transitions were placed in the level scheme of 84Sr. The systematic behaviour of energy staggering S(I) of the γ-band (Band 1 and Band 2) was compared with the γ-bands in the mass A ≈ 80 region and the nuclei of other mass regions with similar behaviour (odd-I down). The E1 character is confirmed for strong γ-ray transitions connecting Band 3 to the Yrast band. Comparison of new results such as B(E1)/B(E2) ratio, frequency ratio ω
+ and energy displacement ΔE in 84Sr with those of 72Se, 150Sm, 152Gd, 220Ra and 224Th nuclei suggests the presence of octupole correlations in 84Sr.
Institute of Eminence (IOE), University of Delhi
Department of Science and Technology, Government of India
INGA Collaboration
Condensed Matter Physics,Mathematical Physics,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics