The prepare-and-measure theory is a new type of quantum paradox that reveals the incompatibility between classical theory and quantum mechanics in terms of the dimensionality of physical systems. Just as the Horodecki criterion can determine whether given quantum states are capable of exhibiting Bell nonclassicality, a similar criterion is needed for the prepare-and-measure theory to determine whether given quantum states can exhibit the prepare-and-measure nonclassicality. Recently, Poderini et al [Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043 106 (2020)] presented such a criterion for the prepare-and-measure nonclassicality. In this work, we experimentally validate this criterion—52 different sets of quantum states are prepared and tested one by one using this criterion to determine whether they can exhibit the prepare-and-measure nonclassicality, and the experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical expectations. The criterion experimentally verified here has the potential to be widely used in future research on the prepare-and-measure nonclassicality.
the Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation
the National Natural Science Foundation of China
the National Key Research and Development Program
the Key Research and Development Program of Guangdong Province of China
Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province of China