The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment will be a next-generation neutrino oscillation
long-baseline accelerator experiment with the aim of determining the still unknown neutrino
oscillation parameters, observing proton decay and detecting supernova neutrinos exploiting a
Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers (LArTPC) of unprecedented size. However, despite their
successful application in neutrino and DM experiments, the performances of LArTPCs are limited in
high intensity environments, such as in near-site detectors on neutrino beams, due to the long
drift time needed to collect the ionisation charge. The design of SAND at the DUNE Near Detector
complex includes a 1-ton LAr target -GRAIN (Granular Argon for Interaction of Neutrinos)- designed
to overcome such limitation by imaging the scintillation light produced in neutrino
interactions. By capturing “pictures” of the LAr (or LXe), GRAIN will allow to reconstruct the
event topologies and energy deposition. Using this information, and that provided by the SAND
electromagnetic calorimeter and target tracker system, SAND will allow on-axis beam monitoring,
the control of systematics uncertainties for the oscillation analysis, precision measurements of
neutrino cross-sections, and beyond Standard Model searches.
Reference13 articles.
1. Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) and Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE): Conceptual Design Report, Volume 3: Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility for DUNE June 24, 2015;DUNE Collaboration,2016
2. Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), Far Detector Technical Design Report, Volume III: DUNE Far Detector Technical Coordination;DUNE Collaboration;JINST,2020
3. A LArTPC with Vertical Drift for the DUNE Far Detector;DUNE Collaboration;PoS,2022
4. Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) Near Detector Conceptual Design Report;DUNE Collaboration;Instruments,2021
5. The KLOE electromagnetic calorimeter