In preparation for the High-Luminosity phase of the CERN Large Hadron Collider, the
Compact Muon Solenoid collaboration will replace the existing endcap calorimeters with the High
Granularity Calorimeter. Considering both endcaps, this novel sub-detector will
have around six million readout channels, pushing approximately 108 Tbit s-1
of usable data between the detector front-end (on-detector) electronics and the back-end
(off-detector) electronics. Given the scale and complexity of the endcap calorimeter upgrade
project, the electronics testing must be carefully planned. The strategy has been to split the
efforts between vertical (start-to-end) and horizontal (parallelisation) test systems wherever
possible. An important milestone was the development and operation of a test system that
prototypes a complete vertical slice of the future endcap electronics system. For the first time,
a version of a test system consisting of the full vertical electronics readout chain was
successfully operated in a beam test, where it was used to acquire real physics data.