Ampilogov N.,Cometti S.,Agarwala J.,Chmill V.,Ferrari R.,Gaudio G.,Giacomelli P.,Giaz A.,Karadzhinova-Ferrer A.,Loeschcke-Centeno A.,Negri A.,Pezzotti L.,Polesello G.,Proserpio E.,Ribon A.,Santoro R.,Vivarelli I.
A prototype of a dual-readout calorimeter using brass
capillary tubes surrounding scintillating and clear plastic optical
fibres was tested using beams of particles with energies between 10
and 100 GeV produced by the CERN SPS. The scope of the test was to
characterise the performance of the tube-based detector response to
positrons in terms of response linearity, energy resolution, and
lateral granularity. After calibrating the detector and processing
the output signal to correct for the energy dependency on the
particle impact point, the linearity of the measurement was found to
be better than 1%. The response to positron was compared to that
predicted by a Geant4-based simulation, finding good agreement both
in terms of energy resolution and shower profile. These results
confirm the validity of the tube-based mechanical option and SiPM
readout as a promising one for future developments.
Mathematical Physics,Instrumentation
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