The CO2 laser interferometer is an important diagnostic
system in the HUST Field Reversed Configuration (HFRC) and can
provide routine electron density measurement for plasma
experiments. A commercial laser (λ = 10.6 μm) with a
maximum output power of 20 watts is used as the laser source for the
interferometer, which can pose a threat to the safety of
experimenters and experimenters' experimental environment. Moreover,
most of the components of the system are sensitive to the
temperature and humidity of the environment. For the aim of safe and
stable operation, it is necessary to develop a CO2 interferometer control system (CICS). A module was innovatively
designed with a servo to regulate power according to commands and
protect timely when a fault takes place. Additionally, a special
device using a stepper motor can automatically regulate and release
the laser according to the different stages of the experiment. The
hardware design of the CO2 control system incorporates the
ESP32 microcontroller, servo and stepper motor, which can
automatically monitor, regulate and protect in case a fault takes
place. The software implementation of the interaction is based on
the OneNET platform and is first used on the CO2 interferometer, linking in the Internet based on Internet of Things
(IoT) technologies to each sensor and device in the control system,
which can achieve visualization monitoring and remote control. With
the operation of CICS, the CO2 interferometer can run stably
and be timely protected.