Finogeev D.,Guber F.,Karpushkin N.,Makhnev A.,Morozov S.,Serebryakov D.
The forward hadron calorimeter Projectile Spectator Detector (PSD) will be used at the CBM experiment at FAIR to measure the nucleus-nucleus collision centrality and orientation of the reaction plane. The PSD is a sampling lead/scintillator calorimeter with modular transverse structure and longitudinal segmentation of modules. Light readout from all sections of each module is provided by Hamamatsu MicroPixel Photon Counters installed at the rear of the module. The full chain of the Front-End and readout electronics of one PSD module — mPSD has been assembled, integrated into mCBM (mini-CBM) trigger-less data acquisition system and tested at mCBM test runs in Summer 2021. The PSD Front-End and readout electronics integration into mCBM within the common synchronized CBM data transport system is discussed.
Mathematical Physics,Instrumentation