Dhal A.,Testov D.,Ramirez F.,Aogaki S.,Turturică G.,Suliman G.,Petcu C.,Tatulea B.,Ur C.A.,Balabanski D.L.
We report a dedicated setup built in-house for the annealing
of the HPGe clover detectors of the ELI-NP Array of DEtectors
(ELIADE) γ-ray spectrometer, as well as the post-annealing
testing of these detectors with the standard 60Co & 152Eu
radioactive calibration sources employing conventional analog
electronics. Both the design and assembly of the annealing setup
were performed at the Extreme Light Infrastructure — Nuclear
Physics (ELI-NP) facility, Măgurele, Romania. A `radiation
damage annealing assembly kit' (NRK-200 unit) from the detector
manufacturer Canberra is utilized in heating and controlling the
temperature of the Ge crystals of the annealed detector. The vacuum
inside the detector was maintained throughout the annealing process
by constantly pumping the system using a turbo-molecular pumping
station. The temperature of the germanium crystals, located inside a
vacuum sealed chamber, of the detector and the vacuum level of this
chamber were monitored throughout the annealing process, via both
in-person observation and remote (online) monitoring. The Graphic
User Interface (GUI) of an underlying LabVIEW script was utilized
for running the monitoring process of the temperature and vacuum
pressure values via a local network. To have the option of real-time
online monitoring of the temperature, vacuum pressure, we coupled
the web application Grafana with the Influx DB of the annealing
data, as well as the backup time information of an Uninterruptible
Power Supply (UPS) unit used in system.
Mathematical Physics,Instrumentation