Gilljohann Max F.,Mankovska Yuliia,San Miguel Claveria Pablo,Sytov Alexei,Bandiera Laura,Ariniello Robert,Davoine Xavier,Ekerfelt Henrik,Fiuza Frederico,Gremillet Laurent,Knetsch Alexander,Martinez Bertrand,Matheron Aimé,Piekarz Henryk,Storey Doug,Taborek Peter,Tajima Toshiki,Shiltsev Vladimir,Corde Sébastien
Plasma wakefield acceleration (PWFA) has shown illustrious
progress and resulted in an impressive demonstration of tens of GeV
particle acceleration in meter-long single structures. To reach even
higher energies in the 1 TeV to 10 TeV range, a promising scheme
is channeling acceleration in solid-density plasmas within crystals
or nanostructures.
The E336 experiment studies the beam-nanotarget interaction
with the highly compressed electron bunches available at the
FACET-II accelerator. These studies furthermore involve an in-depth
research on dynamics of beam-plasma instabilities in ultra-dense
plasma, its development and suppression in structured media like
carbon nanotubes and crystals, and its potential use to transversely
modulate the electron bunch.
Mathematical Physics,Instrumentation